Writing, Reading, Politics

Oct 08, 2008 14:08

As the school year moves on and writing assignmnets pile up, the school newspaper gets up and running, and the world continues to have significant amounts of suck, I realize I've much to write about but done realitively little writing. Blogging is good practice, I suppose, and fills up all this empty times where I wear myself down to the point that I'm ill and get stuck at home like today.

I've actually been reading agian lately, as well, something I feel out of interest with last year. First it started with a school assignment for the book Things Fall Apart and then my friend forced me to read Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist which has been out as a book since 2006, and quite a good book, and I really wish I had the money to see the movie, though I'll probably end up going to see it with him at the cheaper theatre after it gets out of normal theatres.

With the national election less than a month away what's a blog without politics? I think it's kind of sad that a girl who in all likelyhood will never live to vote in the country pays more attention to these things than most of the adults who will actually be voting, but I'm really not surprised and that's the sadest part of all. Honestly, I think it will be along time before the country manages to improve itself and personally I'm glad I won't be sticking around and suffering along with the rest of this country through a horrible economy.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention: Luckily for this country, most polls show Obama with a 9:1 chance of wining the election. Fivethirtyeight.com shows obama with a 90.5% win percentage, and the new york times map seems to have Obama winning 93 out of 100 times, with McCain winning just 4 out of 100, and 3 out of 100 coming out as a tie. And of course Obama is shown in nearly every poll as winning last night's debate.

As for the Republican ticket this election: even if you think McCain in the better candidate, admit, it's odds in he'll die by the end of his term (not trying to be biased against age, it's a fact) and then Sarah Palin would be president. And no one wants that.

america, election, writing, obama, books

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