May 09, 2010 17:39
So, my mother is an alcoholic.
A depressed alcoholic since dad kicked off. She has many of the personality traits of a thirteen year old, though sometimes regresses to about six.
Despite myself, I let her take care of the plane reservations herself. Because she's an adult, and because (in the manner of thirteen year old girls) she gets snippy if I try to take care of things for her when she can TOTALLY DO IT HERSELF OMG! (Even if she does them wrong & I then have to clean up after her).
So we get to the airport today, and there's no reservation. Because what she had understood as "pay for the ticket when you arrive at the airport" (which had sounded bizarre to me but I was rolling with it), actually meant "pay for this reservation within 24 hours or it's canceled.
Guess who didn't have a reservation today?
Guess who's staying with me for another night?
Guess who picked up a 12-pack for the intervening 24 hours?
And thus am I going to see Iron Man 2 again tonight.
iron man