Kind of started the healthy eating/working out bit today (like, you know, some 3 million other people), except at dinner kind of went to the Chinese Buffet. And...yeah, Day 1 is a bust. BUT I did do my boot camp this morning! Hopefully I don't hurt too badly tomorrow, since I'm supposed to run with peeps from work...'s cold and getting colder. Last year it didn't freeze at ALL, and these week may be our SECOND this year. Madness! It's supposed to be in the 20s Thursday & Friday! WTF?! I AM A TROPICAL GAL, SOUTH TEXAS, STOP IT!
Have decided that I will not be able to do the semester in London, what with dad's health & me wanting to move & whatnot. BUT would still like to do a trip to London, since I certainly didn't get to see everything the last time--perhaps a week there like I did in Paris last year. But of course it all depends... though I'd better hurry up and schedule my vacation time, since TODAY (the first work day of 2010), people were already asking if I planned to take Christmas off. We've got 12 months, people!
Insanely awesome cracky Dr. Who fic:
The Doctor meets Elizabeth Tudor. I'm not even joking. Also: really need to get caught up on Who.
CHUCK PREMIERE ON SUNDAY! Perhaps I will have some of the bizarre Chuck/Primeval crossover fic done by then though I kind of doubt it! But Chuck and Connor? Totally need to bond. They have so much in common.