Of the 300+ photos I took, I've printed the best 70 or so...this will likely go up as I lay out pages and think "No, really, you should have another page (or six) of English churches. Really. You only took about 150 pictures of them--display them, dammit!". I currently have my photos divided in to the following categories: England-Leicestershire, England-London, England-Hampton Court Palace, Switzerland, Paris, Disneyland Paris. Then, of course, is all the assorted STUFF (brochures, train tickets, Metro billets, maps, etc) to put in, too.
...this should only take me 6 months or so *headdesk*
On an unrelated note: Watched Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny last night and laughed much more than I thought I would. Or at all.
Also: Jesus Christ, Stargate: Continuum, you kill me dead.