Sep 01, 2006 19:08
I'm tired of whiny music.
Not that I was ever a big fan of Nick Lachey, but was he always this whiny, or just since the divorce? And what happened to Live? I remember when their music was sweet--with a hard segue in to ANGER ("I Alone" is a perfect example). Now it's pussy whipped. And Nickleback. Jesus God, Nickleback, the first song off your new album was about fucking a girl in a speeding car (which, btw, hot), and every song since has been about emotions. I still can't hear that "Photograph" song without imagining the lead singer in a pink fluffy robe, lighting aromatherapy candles and painting his toenails while flipping through the photo album.
Someone recommend to me some music that isn't whiny, please. I am, as ever, partial to punk, though I like punk with some actual musical merit as opposed to mindless screaming...and lots of ethnic music lately. No, I haven't any idea why I'm dl'ing music in Arabic and Hindi, I just am. And I like it.
Anyone have any thoughts to contribute? Is music doomed? Have sensitive men destroyed the future of music?!
name that tune