Feb 11, 2009 15:40
- 17:33 sign of Michigan spring: potholes large enough to swallow a large dog, or perhaps a small horse. More reliable than the robin #
- 08:33 @ lich_king Oh, lighten up. It would do you some good to get over Jaina, you know - and some of those Vrykul women are pretty hot. #
- 08:38 today's plan: work, get @neilhimself 's Batman, get my ears lowered and then go turn @Illidan_stormrg into a scratching post with 24 friends #
- 11:50 Of 66 twitters I follow, 30 are celebs (or at least interbutt celebs) 6 are newsfeeds, 19 are fictional characters and one is a cat. /sigh #
- 12:06 @ lich_king correction: and one guy who makes me wish druids could equip swords. #
- 12:12 @ lich_king it isnt kosher for an Argent Champion to compliment ya too much -not as long as @Tirion_Fordring still signs my paychecks, anyway #
- 12:13 @ jeffkart You're in the highly-desired 'guys who tweet me things they could say from 8 feet away' category. #
- 12:14 @ tesseractive Wikipedia Brown's always on the case #
- 12:21 @ tesseractive only if you can get a chorus of a capella singers to follow you everywhere #
- 13:54 These Chips Ahoy I bought are NASTY stale. I think the world's trying to tell me it's time to quit the vending machine for good. #
- 13:55 [obligatory 'I wish I knew how to quit you' joke here] #
- 14:04 Listening to the 2009 WKC dog show while working and overhear a Aussie Shep named Copyright. If I get an AKC breed I'm naming her Stylebook. #
- 15:14 @ porcupinetea oh I know. I'm a sucker for the whole herding group. Also: bit.ly/wRdGv #
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