I'm going to start compiling these early so that when I write more, they'll be easy to find. All links lead to a cut with extra FFnet links if applicable. Forgive my formatting, I suck at this.
Axis Powers Hetalia
Rules (
Characters: Prussia, Rhineland OC, Gilbird, cameo appearance by HRE, mentions of Hungary, Joan of Arc, and France
Pairings: hints of onesided Prussia/Hungary, slight suggestiveness of Prussia/Rhineland
Rating: T for sensuality, violence, and Prussia
Warnings: Human names and country names, HRE-is-Germany situation, possibly offensive terms, French with missing accents
Summary: Gilbert aquires new territory from France, a river girl with real battle talent.
Animated Characters: Russia (Ivan), America (Alfred), various characters of various Soviet cartoons
Pairings: Russia/America
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Warnings: fluff, human names, very post-Cold War tension!, slander against one of the cutest characters to ever exist in the world
Summary: With their bosses getting on good terms, Ivan and Alfred decide to have a day of relaxation with some old cartoons and Coke. Present day
Check(ed) Out [
Chapter 1] | [Chapter 2-Drafting]
Characters: Russia (Ivan), America (Alfred), mention of Baltics+Poland+Belarus
Pairings: Russia/America
Rating: R-15
Warnings: language, alcohol, makouts, and Stripper!Alfred dancing on bread. Also, human names and 2am writing. Has been dubbed NSFW by
no_role_model88 for Alfred's pick up lines
Summary: Ivan makes a late-night alcohol run and gets distracted by the blonde cashier on the "zombie shift." College AU
FFnet Chapter 1)
PrayersAuthor: ampfox_ang/kleptowerewolf/me
Characters: Russia (Ivan), France (Francis), preist
Pairings: FRussia
Rating: MATURE/R
Warnings: sex in a church, France being proud of it, silliness at the end (but not too silly), human names
Summary: France goes to confession on his free time, although he doesn't really feel too bad about what he's done. Winter sometime