hey, soul sister
The end of summer is fast approaching, and with it comes
excessive humidity, school-related stress,
and that Sunday evening feeling that it's all downhill from here.
All of that...and a lack of fanfic popping up on my f-list lately.
It's time for one last hurrah, I think.
Let's write something happy. Something summer-y. Some crack!fic.
This is the meme for all of your fandom collision dreams.
Every crossover ship you've ever shipped is welcome here.
image credited to
asparkagraceahope on tumblr.
Pimp (ie. omfg, you guys, go write fic for this meme!)
Prompt (ie. summer roberts/nate archibald. "i'm busy. studying. naked.")
Write (this one's self-explanatory, yeah?)
Give comment!love to others (♥s are much appreciated)
Don't like it? Don't read it. Bitchy comments are frowned upon.
Ready, set, go.