(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 11:03

It sure takes me a ridiculous amount of time to update livejournal as of late.  I apologize...to anyone that may read these posts.

Good News:

1.Michael lives here now, has for about about a month and a half or so, and things are glorious.

2. He just got a job working at 2Wire, which I feel like he'll enjoy.  He's in training at the moment and comes home every day with a funny(ish) story and in a good mood, so I'm quite glad for that.

3. We've been going to Sea World a lot, as we got season passes. It's lovely.  The otters adore me.  Well, maybe not, but one time when I was walking away they started barking at me until I stayed and then started standing up and being just the most damned adorable things ever. Petting dolphins is fun, feeding them fish is kind of gross, but oh well.  We went into the bird area with a cup of nectar, scary as hell.  Okay, everyone but me was fine, but they landed on my head and I was afraid for my eyes.  They're known for pecking eyes out, birds.  I had my contacts in so I felt more eye exposed then normal. Dangerous times! Swimming is wonderful, that it's hot enough to swim...is not.

4. It's a suppository!

Random News:

1. Michael can now get around the city better then I can, which will stand as a testament to my horrible sense of direction.  I've lived here 24 years, he's lived here a bit more then a month.  I mean, I guess I could try harder? I just can't make roads connect in my mind.

2. I've been playing BioShock, it's great.  Fun little game, I'll be playing more in just a bit.

3. I bought two Ministry of Magic CDs and they're awesome. Lovegood (acoustic) is still my favorite song of them all, but they're all wonderful.  If you like Harry Potter, being a huge fucking nerd, and listening to Wizard Rock, go buy their albums.

Bad News:

1. The job I'm currently working in, the position has been eliminated, so I must scramble to find another place to be, sigh.  I really enjoyed that job, although it was stressful at times. I've grown attached to the kids and hope that something will happen so that I'll be able to stay at that school.

2.  Financial aid is taking bloody forever, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get into school this summer.

3. I'm on my period! Wait, should that also go under good news?

Book News:

1.  I started/finished reading Jane Eyre.  I really enjoyed it.  I was never uninterested in the book.  Her moral convictions run deep, and brought on a bit of introspection.  I love most that she fights to never lose herself.

2.  I started/finished Rant, by Chuck Palahniuk.  It was definitely interesting. I obviously wouldn't recommend Palahniuk to everyone, but if you enjoy his works, you should enjoy this one.  The twist is intriguing.  Very intriguing.

3. Still reading Spawn Vol. 1.  it's Spawn, which means I enjoy it.

4. I'll be starting the second book in Scott Westerfeld's series, Pretties.

5. I've been re-reading Paper Towns, by John Green.  I felt that I went through it too quickly the first time.  I don't remember as much of it as I'd like.

I hope there's been more reading then that, but I've been quite busy with work..and wanting to ignore Michael, as I don't have much time after I get home from work.

I enjoy numbered lists:

1. Taiko is lovely! He hadn't been enjoying me as of late, but he seems to be more himself now that I've gotten him a flea collar, heh.

2. Playing board games with my family is hilarious.  I want moar.

3. My oldest nephew intrigues me,  I wish I knew how to relate to him better.

4. People need to not expect Obama to fix everything that's happened in the last eight years in an instant!  The coverage for the tea parties was ridiculous.

5. The flu is horrible.  Since starting work at this elementary school I have been attacked so much! Pneumonia, the flu, a stomach virus that lasted a week!  I opted for the free insurance (very thankful that I have an option for insurance when so many people have nothing), and I'm 50 $ away from complete out of pocket. Sigh.

6. My glasses are so wobbly.

7. I bought a huge plush otter at sea world. He is made of win.

sea world, michael, love, work, books

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