
Feb 19, 2008 15:55

I turned twenty three this last Saturday. Yep, I'm getting old.

Michael bought be cute things! They got there before my birthday, but he didn't let me open them until 12 A.M. the day of my birthday. He bought me a d20 necklace from ThinkGeek, it's adorable and blue. <3 He also bought me a little panda, which is cute on sooo many levels. Besides being absolutely cute it came with a star. I now have a star in the Draco constellation, that's so cool to me.

Later that day I went out with Naomi, Alex, Dustin, my nephew Adrian, and his friend. We bowled for a couple hours.. I did horribly, but that was to be expected. I know my final game I bowled a 57. That's sexy. Almost broke 60.

Afterwards we went to eat at Long John Silver's, mmm delicious. We talked about random things, went back to Naomi and Alex's house and played some sweet Rockband for the rest of the night. I'm so awesome at drums. Especially considering the only time I'd played before this was at Best Buy. They didn't have all the songs open and they've had it over a month, that hurts my heart. Hurts so badly. I think they should give it to me, really. I wouldn't neglect it like they do. It's heart-rending, really. That poor, poor drum set.

They gave me "The Monster Book of Manga," which is pretty fun, I enjoy it.

Nothing new to report since then, really. I'm terribly sad about not being with Michael. He's so far. I need to be back there, already. Anyone wanna help?

Besides this...I've been subbing, saving money.

East Central: 2003

Fill this out about your senior year of high school. Repost it with name of high school and the year you graduated.

1. Did you date someone from your school?

2. What kind of car did you drive?
None in high school.

3. It's Friday night...where are you?
Playing dnd with friends.

4. Were you a party animal?
Lots of gamer parties, oh man.

5. Were you considered a flirt?
Uhhh, I don't think so?

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Not in high school.

7. Were you a nerd?
I suppose. I mean, I did play dnd every weekend, video games almost every day, and listen to video game music.

8. Did you get suspended/expelled?

9. Can you sing the fight song?
Uhh, no..but I know you wag your finger and mumble. Well, everyone else did.

10. Who were your favorite teachers?
Mr. Jeffers, my government teacher. He managed to control the class, get his message across, get people interested in politics, AND remain fun. He was awesome.
I also enjoyed my art teacher, Ms. D, she was rude to the freshman, often offense and hilarious and cut me some slack for being a senior. Likely because I was actually interested in art, but was too busy til that point to take a general art class.

11. Where did you sit during lunch?
Random places. I'd lost most of my friend's by this point as my then boyfriend was a possessive guy who was jealous of them. Odd stuff.

12. School mascot?

13. Homecoming court?
I'm sure we had one. If I cared enough I could look it up, but I sure as hell don't care.

14. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Yes, I would. I'd keep my friend's, I'd probably stay the whole year, I'd participate in all the events and just have a damn good time.

15. What do you remember most about graduation?
Being bored and having to stand behind the guy that beat the shit out of me in middle school. Fun times.

16. Where did you go senior skip day?
There was thread of suspension, and I believe I had graduated early by that point. Technically, I graduated in '02.

17. Were you in any clubs?
Art club during my first two years, no clubs after.

18. Have you gained some weight since then?
Umm, not that much, really. It goes up and down a bit.

19. Who was your Senior prom date?

20. Are you planning on going to (or did you go to) your 10 year reunion?
We have our five year coming up, which is ridiculously too soon. I might go to the ten year, yes.

21. Who was your home room teacher?
We didn't have home room, silly survey.

22. Did you play any sports?

23. Do you still talk to people from school?
Some. Dustin, Ryan, Lea.. trying to get in touch with more via myspace, hah.
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