google earth to Granada

Sep 03, 2007 00:38

I am so disappointed. I found Granada, Nicaragua on Google Earth. But they haven't taken close enough pictures for me to zoom in very much, so I can only see a basic birds-eye view of the city. Can't see any buildings or roads even, because it's blurry and far away. I was hoping I could zoom and see my house, and everything. The field, the town center, the school, the neighborhood, everything. And now that I think about all those places, I get really sad.

I was wondering today, what would one of the people I met in Nicaragua do in the United States? How would they react to everything? I'm thinking specifically of Kevin, the youngest of my next door neighbors. He's 10, and he was my frisbee buddy. Probably my favorite person I met in Nicaragua. I wonder what he'd do here, where shit is just so big and obnoxious and over the top and expensive. What struck me more than anything about the Nicaraguans was that they live with so little, yet they're so happy. They never complained about being poor, they just lived with what they had. And when something bad would happen, they'd accept it and deal with it, or move on. I think everyone needs to live in a "developing country" for a little while, a few weeks, whatever. When I think about school and friends and all the petty bullshit that we have to deal with... none of it matters to them. God damnit. I want to go back to Granada and play frisbee with Kevin and hear Silvia sing songs about burros que tienen hambre y frio.
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