The Opposing View.

Oct 22, 2012 16:42

So today I ran into some PASCAL protesters in town, so I took some time out of my busy day to inquire about the heated issue of the budget cuts that are now effecting the schools and possibly our children. When I asked them about the budget cuts, they said that there are different ways to get the money. One of these ways was to have fundraisers which I'm sure include bake sales, car washes, movie nights, concerts as well as selling cookie dough, trash bags, pizza kits and more.
Someone also mentioned that there is a petition being produced and circulating through the area to prevent school closings from happening and they have high hopes that it will sway the school boards decision.

Most of these angry citizens that are part of PASCAL live in the southern part of Purple Nation where the if the schools end up being closed down will drastically effect them. Most families will be unable to afford latchkey and can't guarantee being out with their kids at the bus stops. Plus with the schools closing in their neighborhood, it will drastically make their property value go down making it harder for families to sell their homes if need be,

A lot of these angry citizens question, what's going to happen to the schools after they are closed down. Are they just going to be left to rot or would they be able to be renovated to used for other things within the school district.
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