Jul 30, 2008 15:32
I've been crazy sick. It started with allergies when all the smoke from the forest fires in Santa Cruz and Big Sur started blowing into the bay area. Allergies triggered my asthma that I ahven't had to deal with since I lived with my grams. I am so sick of coughing non stop. Its so bad that I have been bringing the kids over to the house during the week so that I am in clean filtered air during most of the day.
Oh yeah, I feel sorry for who ever is going swimming after me and the kids, I think I lost my lung in the pool. Or at least I coughed up a big gob of phelm and spit it out next to the pool.
I guess Toni is going to be taking a trip to California. He is going to spend some time in LA and then come up here for a few days. He wants to crash on my sofa.
My trip back to Michigan is creeping closer and closer. I'm becoming anxious. I really miss everyone.