Feb 14, 2025 23:24
User Amoxil_pink
likes: listening . medicine. photography. polaroid. instant film. kpop. jpop. rock. stationery. automats. burger joints. &independent bookstores
expect: Whining, complaining, things I don't tell people or my friends; incorrect grammar and punctuation sometimes; fangeekery; and things that peeve me; silly conversations
dislikes: over-over-over-over obsession. (to a very annoying extreme. For instance, if a person talks about nothing but that subject for days/ever. Unlikely though). being the seventh/third/fifth/eighth-last wheel. When a person says that one has a million diseases/mental disability when that person doesn't: abandonment syndrome/whatever; bipolar issues etc. They only like the attention it gets (you hypochondriac you | the only thing that person has: Münchausen syndrome) . homophobia. closemindedness. elitism.