Weekend Comparison: 28 Days/Weeks Later

Sep 12, 2010 12:36

Poll Weekend Comparison: 28 Days/Weeks Later

Trivia - 28 Days Later: For the scenes in London, poilce would close the roads at 4am and filming would begin immediately. It would last for one hour, and at that time the police would reopen the roads. As well as having to deal with traffic, the producers also had to ask clubbers to find alternative routes home. In terms of the traffic, the producers correctly predicted that asking drivers to either wait for up to an hour or find another way might cause some considerable consternation. As such, they employed several extremely attractive young women (one of whom was Danny Boyle's daughter) to make the necessary requests. This plan had the desired results, as the drivers responded quite amicably to the young girls

Trivia - 28 Weeks Later: When Danny Boyle, Alex Garland and Andrew Macdonald first began to consider a sequel to 28 Days Later... (2002), their initial idea was to do 29 Days Later, possibly using the characters of Jim (Cillian Murphy), Selena (Naomi Harris) and Hannah (Megan Burns) from the first film. This idea was dropped in favor of doing a film set within the time-frame of 28 Days Later..., focusing on an SAS team sent into London to retrieve either the Prime Minister or the Queen. Finally, it was suggested to set the film some time after the events of the initial film, and to deal with the impact Rage has had on society in general.

This movie was last reviewed in August 2003

scifi, thriller, danny boyle, horror, t, 0-9

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