Hmm... you're probably wondering what I mean about surprise. Oh just let me explain what this entry will entail...
So, after reading the last post you know that Donny left because touring is starting soon beginning with the CD release shows. Well I had a group together of assorted family and friends who were going but it was kind of on late notice and a lot of people had family showing up and work priorities which is totally understandable (^_^). Again I'm so sorry guys it was on late notice. So at one point I had to break the news to Donny that I wasn't going to the show. He was dissapointed at first but understood. To see him sad breaks my heart and it just made me feel like a bad girlfriend, because this is something that's important to him and I want to be there to support him in everyway. Man did I cry because I was upset with the combination of not going/having to say goodbye on short notice. It wasn't until the morning of the show on Friday that my sister approached me and said, "Hey let's go to the show tonight." I was so psyched the first thing I wanted to do was call him and tell him; but she had a better idea and suggested we surprise him. I thought it was a great idea and would make us even for the Valentine's Day surprise... that's a whole other story.
So I went to work as usual and called my lovely Womanface to see if she was going. She had to work Friday night but I know she was there in spirit. I love that girl to death too! :) So it ended up being me and my sister who would make the trip. So we got home and showered. Now to those who don't know the 411 on my older sister, she's 11 years older than me, is a vice president of a company, and has an even deeper appreciation for music than me and 100 other people put together. I remember when I was little my sister was always going to a concert or a show. Her range of music varies from Sepultura to Biohazard, Tool, Life of Agony, Anthrax, Smashing Pumpkins, STP, Soundgarden, Dog Eat Dog, and the list goes on. So when we were finished getting ready my sister came out and I swear I thought my sister was 19 all over again. She revived the Doc Marten combat boots, tight blue jeans, and a fitting black shirt. Even her two children commented on how young she looked and that made her feel good. Now I know there's people out there who are ashamed of having older people go to shows with them, but I can never be ashamed of my sister. For just Friday night she was 19 years old again with me and it felt awesome that she got out of her professional attire and I saw the lively music buff in her come out. Her husband said she was beauitufl that night too because it was like the first day they met all over again. Aww...
So back to the sotry before I veer off. We were about 3/4 of the way to the OnStage Theater which is where Aletheian was playing with Neocracy, Blind Influence and Life In Your Way. I get a phone call from Donny and I try my very hardest to sound mopey and sad so he couldn't hear my excitement. We talked on the phone for all of maybe five minutes when he made a statement about the venue and I asked if it was a big building. Next thing you know, he puts two and two together and says, "Are you coming here tonight?" I was trying to deny it so bad until he gave me that stern tone and said, " Right hand up?" I can't lie because I don't enjoy lying to anyone, especially him so I gave up and said I was coming to see him. It was all worth it though because he had the most enthusiastic and exciting YAY I've ever heard. He was so excited and couldn't wait until we got there so I let him know that we would be there soon and that we were ready to see him rock out which I think pumped him up for performance time. A half hour later we made it.
We got nervous that maybe we'd miss the beginning of their set and miss a couple of songs but we made it just in the nick of time. Walking in I see Joel and he walks up to me to say hello and tells me how it's awesome that we could make it and that it'll be a good show. After we spoke I walked into the stage portion of the venue and let me tell you it's huge. From my take on it, the OnStage is a venue for not just shows but praise services and even church which is awesome. It didn't look like there were many people there because of the huge size of the venue, but when they all crowded together it was a lot of people. I think along the way I saw the awesome Kriss Stress and I was shy to say hello but seeing himf from afar he looks like he's the nicest person to hang out with. If you were there Kriss, I'm sorry I didn't say hello!
So Aletheian played and I thought they did a real good job. I missed being at a show so it was good to see him play. After they finished their set, Donny walked over to me and my sister and we started laughing and talking. I also got a chance to say hello to Alex, Joe, and Trav Wagner plus Chris Keeney from Blind Influence. Seriously, they are the nicest and funniest guys ever. It started getting late and we had to embark back home so I said my goodbyes to everyone and Donny walked us out to the car. I hoped we could stay and get a bite to eat at the diner but we had a two hour drive ahead of us so if you guys are reading this, I'm sorry. Next show around, I'll definitely come.
We finally arrived to the car and my sister got in so me and Donny could have a few minutes alone to say goodbye. As we always do we just said a few short words, put big smiles on hour faces and gave each other really big bear hugs. I was afraid I might start crying again, but I'm happy for him and I know things will be ok so I was smiling and just encouraging him to have a good time and that I'll miss him. We said our final goodbye and embarked home.
Two hours later we came home each purchasing a DVD and a CD and me and my sister bonded metal style. One day soon we'll do it again. :)
\\\ If you haven't seen me online lately these past couple of days, well this is why <3