Sep 06, 2004 14:45
OK So I researched the Mars Volta cd..."De-Loused In The Comatorium" and I don't know how many people listen to them, or listen to At The Drive In or anything, but their lyrics are really really really out there.
"Dolls wreck the minced meat of pupils"
"Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed"
So I was curious and decided to go research what this whole album is about. At first I just thought they made up words, because the actual words aren't as important as the sound they make, but the CD is actually a creepy story about one of the singer's old friends who tries to OD on Morphine, goes into a coma, has adventures in his coma, comes back out of the coma, and decides to kill himself anyway (and every word means something!). It's like they make up their own little world in the CD, with characters with the names Cerpin Taxt (main character), the Tremula Metacarpi (creatures that live inside Cerpin's head), Moatilliatta (spirit?), Dr. Wolfram Tarant (Wolf Arm Tarantula) who has dogs as arms....I don't know, this shit is just weird, and it really makes me want to listen to the CD more.
The best part is basically the whole CD is a depiction as to what was going on in his friend Julio's mind when he was in the coma (who killed himself in 1996 and he was in the band At The Drive In)
Evidently all these characters come from a book, that is supposed to explain the CD more. Maybe I can get it.
As for the music, it's fucking awesome. It's like progressive hard rock. Everyone who reads this should definitley buy their cd. Don't download the songs seperately, cuz you have to listen to the cd in it's entirety.
Thoughts? Do you think I'm just weird?