Oct 16, 2008 00:26
the first signs of winter are finally starting to show, today was the first time this year that ive shivered when walking out of the house. although i think it was for many different reasons it felt someway comforting. as though cold weather automatically means good times. its kind of amazing to think about time sometimes, the process in which it controls your life. the good times it takes away with it, what it does to your body, its control over us.in the short amount of time ive lost my foundation that i had built for my life. and im scared, no matter what anyone says. i dont want to lose everything that i built up in the past few months with my friends, just because im in the situation in in now. i realized today that sometimes you just really need the comfort that only estrogen can give, the only honesty and truth to life that your girlfriends give it and ive been craving it so much lately. i cant wait till friday when me ashley and chelsea go out and get wasted for the sake of old times. ill turn off the stoner talk now. not like anyone reads this old thing anymore anyways