(no subject)

May 29, 2008 13:31

Well, it's been an interesting day.
I woke up. Took a shower.
Got Panera for Spanish.
Went to jazz band.
Locker Boy observed.
I kicked the crap out of "Stormy Weather."
Went to Chem. Learned some Organic Chem. Booooring.
Went to spanish. Didn't do much. Ate bagels.

So we have our typical little pow wow at the beginning of class.
And then we broke off to do whatever it is that we need to do.
I went to the lab. And checked my email.
Finally there was one from him.
Excitement. And then I read it.
It was rather long. Which made me rather happy.
I read it, and the majority of it was precisely what I needed to hear.
There were parts that kind of upset me, but I got over it.
Sort of.

Now I'm in the choir room, skirting Hiatt's. 
Gaulke could care less.
And so could I.

I just saw Mr. Drake. It was a little unsettling.
All of a sudden, he was in the door.
It kind of freaked me out.
I've got some shmoozing to do if I want to learn what the musical is going to be.
Ugh. Not in the mood.

Well, I suppose I should finish this.
Even though I don't want to.
I really have nothing else to say.

So goodbye.
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