It was a week full of disorder. Can't get enough

Aug 05, 2006 19:49

On the ride to band camp, I was fairly excited, mainly for the chance to hang with my friends. In the end, I lost friends, I gained friends, and I gew a soft spot for the seniors.

The dinners are never the greatest and sometimes the people aren't either. Most of the time Mother Nature is out to get me, but I knew the field would be there for me.

It was hot, cold, rainy, sunny. I hate all of it. Marching rain or shine is not what I plan to do for a week, 7 hours a day and breaks that spell out the words "BACK TO WORK" in a heartbeat.

Marching band this year is definitely a different group than last. Everything seems more laid back and I like that. Division 2, here we come?

Krysta will fix that in no time at all. ♥

I'm super mad at a few people and I sort of realized that some people treat me like absolute shit. Oh well, what can you do besides tell them off and never speak to them again?

I'm not going to go into detail though :)

I have also realized that some people in marching band are so cool and I wish I was better friends with them than I am now. Maybe that will change, but I don't think it ever will. Maybe next year.

The dance was marvelous. I loved dancing with Lyndsay and Courtney, fake moshing with Stacey and Jackie and then pelvic thrusting with Stacey also. I swear I losted a million calories, lol!

Senior circle was as long as the Great Wall of China. Kristina Croes really made me cry, I loved the fact that even though she was facing all of these things she disgusts, she realized that she's going to miss them when she leaves. And I guess have to start realizing that about my brother. Maybe.

Chocolate mousse/ketchup/salt/pepper/onions is really disgusting. Beth I hope you enjoyed that ice cream.

Last year, as great as it was, will never compare to this year. I screamed my lungs out on Tuesday and lost my voice, but it was worth it because I tried my hardest to squeeze out as much as I could without fainting.

Saturday was as much rewarding as it was heartbreaking. The seniors this year I am so much closer to than last year's, and I know it's going to be even worse next year.

I want to go back so bad. Not to march. I want to spend time with more people. So badly.

I hate you, band camp.

But I love you more.
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