(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 17:20

My name is: MaryLeigh Elizabeth
I was named after: my mom, my grandmother, mary and elizabeth from the Bible
If I was a boy/girl my mom would have named me: Joseph, my little brother's names
The thing I like most about my personality is: I've got endurance
My favorite physical aspect of myself is: my eyes
The best thing I have ever done for myself: not letting other people get in the way of my better judgement... something I'm still working on
Five things my friends love about me: kind, silly, always a shoulder to cry on, my clothes...hehe, and my ability to make super amazing eggs
Five things I love about me: my determination, intelligence, my artistic soul, my intensely logical brain and the paradox that often results from that combination
I love to: get massages
If I could do one thing right now it would be: go to the mountains
For someone to make me smile, they would have to: say I love you... to anyone
The best gift I ever got was: my parents for being able to provide for me so that I could have the same opportunities as everyone else and making my childhood as normal as possible
One movie star to play my life in a movie would be: looks-wise, Denise Richards, Renee Zellweger... who would I want to? Hilary Swank
Something that happened today that was FANTASTIC: i got my headshots developed
Someone who changed my life: anyone who has ever believed in me
So far this year I have grown by: understanding myself better and conquering some of my fears little by little
My dream job is: an actor and philanthropist/rancher
I want to travel to: everywhere!
I wish I could see [who] right now?: Stacey C.
One inanimate object to symbolize me: a big leather-bound book
My Theme Song: "Piece of my Heart" janis joplin
My favorite type of jewelry: big earrings
I am proud of myself for: committing to getting myself well... and losing 10 pounds!
One famous person I would want to meet is: Jesus
One sitcom family I’d join: the Sievers
What I love about my biological family: they're completely strange, but I love them esp. Papa Joe
Today my goal is to: make my own decisions, take a nap, eat a good dinner

Now repeat after me: “I am an AMAZING person…”
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