Apr 29, 2011 12:28
shit okay the most retarded thing happened just now
I typed the subject, or whatever you wanna type in the little box above the huge text box where you type your post, and I hit enter. Next thing I know it brings me right back to the same page with a red box going "There was an error processing your request: Must provide entry text"
no shit Sherlock
obviously I am kind of too tired to really comprehend what I am typing but anyway.
I am going to make some kind of obvious effort to post here a lot more often because I read like denise's and janne's blog and I enjoy reading their posts so much. Especially denise. her posts make me laugh really heartily in the best kind of way because it's just so matter of fact funny that I want to rolfmao :P so anyway you guys keep posting your awesomeness. :D
although I despair at my posts being as funny and nice to read as theirs, but I shall try.
last night I had possibly one of the worst bouts of insomnia I have had in the longest time. Not really sure why, I felt completely ready to sleep, only my eyes kept popping open. I wasn't thinking of anything either, besides wanting to go to sleep. I'm convinced it's either the half inch I had of jinghan's triple shot coffee in the evening, or the fact that maybe my subconscious mind was on overdrive and refused to shut up properly.
so when I woke up this morning I was all set to be the Queen Zombie Bitch. I just felt like I was going to fall over at any second, and I think as I walked I kind of kept swaying from side to side because my brain wasn't able to coordinate properly any longer. It was only at the breakfast table that an inner control kind of snapped.
So anyway, I hate my breakfasts. To be precise I hate all the food in my house, because my mum uses a schedule for food, ie: Monday is this dish, Tuesday is another, and so on and so forth, till it gets back to Monday again and I see the same food on the table. It would be fine, I guess, if not for two things: one, I have had this scheduled breakfast for the past 2-3 years and it shows no sign of stopping, and two, this breakfast consists of porridge and vegetables. Not nice vegetables or vegetables cooked well, either, simply BOILED vegetables. I concede that some vegetables taste better boiled, but certainly boiled with an amount of soya sauce and salt or some spice like that. The process of boiling in my house is simply insert veg into water and turn up the heat. I cannot possibly explain to you the inanity or the disgustingness of eating such a concoction until you try it yourself. It is just PLAIN. It doesn't have no taste, indeed it has this absolutely sickening grassy chlorophyll taste to it that you feel like puking. In essence, it sucks.
And I guess although I hate my breakfast all the time, today I finally couldn't take it. I'm sure outwardly I was very calm, but inside I was more or less rending myself to pieces with annoyance. And then I took all the food and threw it away. Normally I make some effort to eat a few strands, but this time I just chucked it all, I so couldn't be bothered xP which made me feel even more annoyed because obviously the ingredients aren't bad food. With the right kind of cooking it could be a fairly delicious dish. But because my mum is a health freak, she will never allow things to be cooked with more than a couple drops of oil and this makes me so mad because the wrong way of cooking spoils perfectly good food.
I'm sorry this is irrelevant this is definitely a rant now xP
anyway. what I mostly meant to say is that I'm feeling really sleepy now. TGIF though, because saturdays are always awesome days, and this is an extended weekend too so it's going to be really fun, I bet. and even if it's not that much fun, there will be no school, and that's always good.
okay before this post becomes old and tired (I think it has already) I will now go and GRC/PI or sth.