It's a beautiful sunny Saturday morning/afternoon and I'm currently stuck inside working on a resume and cover letter to apply for a job. I still have six months left on the contract which does not help my motivation. I hate applying for jobs. Every place has a different set of rules and instructions and requirements and a lot of it feels like more barriers to finding a job.
I suppose if it were raining and windy it would be less painful. Sigh. I know myself well enough to know that I can't do this type of work after working all day so I need to apply over the weekend.
It's times like this I wish I had a magic wand I could wave that would update my resume and create an awesome sounding cover letter. Or better yet, that all job postings would have the exact same procedures for applying. Though I suppose if I truly had magic I'd skip all the job stuff and just conjure up my own money and not worry about working ever again.
I just wonder how other people manage to be so productive? At that is what is seems like when I read my flist. Or maybe everyone has that moment of "this sucks" and they buckle down and plow through the problem and then eat ice cream as a reward after they've finished an unpleasant/boring task???
Anyways, to make up for this post my plan is to post recs tomorrow. (that may help me feel somewhat productive). I guess summer time is when I'm out and about spending as much time outdoors as possible. I've also been reading a lot of Avengers fan fiction and preparing my computer for a complete reformat. (I've been having serious reboot issues lately and I haven't been able to solve the problem because it takes my computer over an hour to reboot) :(