Stargate Atlantis
Tongues of Men and Angels by
mad_maudlin INSTANT REC!!! This story had it all. Wonderful character voices, good plot, interesting premise, and a good intro to two original characters and plenty of action with a dash of romance. :) I also really loved the premise.
recs-StargateAtlantis f5 recs-instant!rec length-novel author-mad_maudlin)
Star Trek Reboot
Searching for the Ghost by
hollycomb (
Sulu/Chekov) I loved the character voices, the world building, and how the story plays out. This was romantic and I loved how Chekov and Sulu connect. Wonderful storytelling.
recs-StarTrekReboot Sulu/Chekov AU f4 length-novel rape-recovery first-time author-hollycomb)
Bragging Rights by
ragdoll987 (
Kirk/Spock) This was funny, sweet, and romantic. I also really liked the character voices.
recs-StarTrekReboot f3 length-medium Kirk/Spock)
Like the Stars, Like Your Destiny by
anodyna (
Spock/Uhura) I LOVED Uhura's voice, the imagery, the way the story unfolds, and how Spock and Uhura fell in love. wonderful storytelling. :)
f4 recs-StarTrekReboot Spock/Uhura length-medium)
Terminator Salvation
As Much as I Ever Could by
hollycomb (
Marcus/Kyle) I could not put this story down once I started reading it. I loved the plot, the character voices, and the ending.
recs-TerminatorSalvation author-hollycomb Marcus/Kyle f4 length-medium)
Secret Place Inside my Head by
rivers_bend (
Sam/Dean) This was hot.
Sam/Dean recs-Supernatural f3 pwp)
Equinox by
luchia13 (
Castiel/Dean) I loved the premise, the character voices, and how everything came together at the end. :) This was a lot of fun to read.
Castiel/Dean time-travel recs-Supernatural f4)
What Happened to Sam Winchester? by
she_rockstar This was some really good meta about Sam's character.
recs-Supernatural meta)
Supernatural Vid Rec
SPN J2 BigBang 2010 trailer by
secretlytodream (
vid:recs:spn) This made me want to sign up for Big Bang!
vid:recs:spn spn_bigbang vidder:loki)