I've been doing research to figure out if I can create a style that incorporates a Print link/button like what efiction has on it's story pages. Here's an example of what page looks like before you hit the print link/button
Here here's what it looks like
afterwords It probably would have been a better example to use an Angst Archive story...but the general point is the print button stripped out all unnecessary code.
I'd like to do the same with LJ for when I save stories. Unnecessary code being all comments and the LJ header at the top with my user icon.
I've explored extensions to see if any exist that will accomplish this task, checked out the community suggestion (where more than one person has asked for a print view option, for actually printing from LJ)
I think for tonight I'm done researching and trying things out. I thought the print button would be easier than somehow creating a program where you select your links (like in download them all) and have the program remove unnecessary elements, and combine all files into a neat html file. Like fanfiction downloader does for fanfiction.net stories.
I'm driving myself a bit crazy here because I'm sure if I could figure out how to modify my style layer? I should be able to insert it..but it looks like I'll have to read up on this topic a bit more before I start mucking about in the code without a clue.