Though the Brightest Fell by
thevinegarworks (
Castiel/Dean Castiel/Lucifer) INSTANT REC!!! I could not stop reading once I started. I loved the plot, character voices, the sex was incredibly hot.
recs-Supernatural recs-instant!rec f5 Castiel/Dean first-time Castiel/Lucifer rape torture length-novel)
such, such is death by
mimblexwimble (
Gen) I really liked the concept.
recs-Supernatural gen f3)
Signs and portents by
aesc (
Castiel/Dean) This was funny and romantic!
recs-Supernatural author-aesc Castiel/Dean f4 humor)
Omiai by
toomuchplor (
Clark/Lex) INSTANT REC!!! This story kept me up late! I loved the marriage of convenience, the character voices, the subtle changes from the tv show, and I could not stop reading once I started!
Clark/Lex author-toomuchplor first-time AU length-novel recs-Smallville f4 recs-instant!rec)
Stargate Atlantis/SG-1
Displacement by
smilebackwards (
Gen) I loved the character voices and this was fun to read.
recs-StargateAtlantis recs-StargateSG-1 gen f3)
Merlin Vid Rec
Blinding by
di_br (
vid:recs:merlin) I loved that this video is about Gwen and Morgana.
vid:recs:merlin f4 vidder:di-br)