Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Stargate Atlantis
Learning Wesley by
allyndra I loved this crossover and the author totally sold me on Wesley Wyndham-Pryce/Evan Lorne.
slash crossover recs-StargateAtlantis recs-BuffyTheVampireSlayer)
The New Deal 1/8 by
big_pink (
Gen) INSTANT REC!!!! I loved the plot, character voices, and this is truly how I see Sam and Dean dealing with Dean's deal and their last year together.
author-big_pink gen length-novel recs-Supernatural recs-instant!rec)
Fairy Lights by
lovesrain44 (
Sam/Dean) I had a blast reading this story. I loved the setting, imagery, character voices, and this worked for me. wonderful storytelling.
author-lovesrain44 recs-Supernatural length-medium Sam/Dean)
Let Go by
bionic (
vid:recs:torchwood) I liked the song and clip choices.
vid:recs:torchwood Jack/Ianto vidder:bionic)