On My Recent Life

Aug 24, 2005 00:59

1. My baby has passed on for more than 2 weeks now. I dread it when night falls as I lay down to sleep, because that is the time when I feel the empty space beside me, once filled by the white furry one. It is the time when nothing else matters so long as I can feel my AnAn once again. I'll usually take another hour to fall asleep.

2. Mum has since recovered from her illness when AnAn left us. The demise of AnAn has made Dad a lot more mellowed and quieter, which is not his normal self but might be for the better for my ears. PingPing went on a hunger strike depression for a few days right after AnAn's departure. It tore our family apart for a while. Finally, we managed to move on recently.

3. Things doesn't look that good for my ankle(again). After treating my left ankle for nearly a year, from custom-making in-soles with the podiatrist at Camden to physiotherapy with the sports therapist to putting me on a 3 week immobilisation cast, nothing seemed to work. A complicated surgery has been scheduled on 13 Sep 2005. About time we have closure I say. A piece of my hip bone(apparently God gave us hips which are redundant to our support structure) will be grafted out to break into 2 support arches to fit my external curvature of the left ankle. The internal ankle will be sliced up to check which tendon is torn. Once located, it'll be accessed how bad is the tear. Once affirmative for reconstruction, depending on availability, a part of my left foot or my wrist(!!!) with a redundant tendon will be removed to patch and replace the damaged tendon. A total of 3 incisions: hip, external ankle, internal ankle. And 4 if it includes slicing my wrist for the replacement tendon. I wonder if they guarantee I won't look like Frankentein after stitching me up.

4. Just received my credit card bill for last month. Shock shock horror horror... the bill from the animal hospital chalked up a total of 1.3K in total! Its not just tightening my belt this time, its wearing a corsette for a 22 inch waist this month!

5. Been through a few interviews lately. Yes, I've finally made my move to move out of my comfort zone. 1st offer tried to bargain for a lower pay than what I'm getting, I had to say no when the pay cut was 400+ bucks every month in a much smaller-scaled struggling company. 2nd company is in Kallang Basin, squeezed in a industrial park so ulu that it took me 1hr 45 mins to find that god damn forsaken place. I was called up for 2nd interview but the dreadful place turn me off so much that I lied that I accepted a new offer. Third one by far is the closest to what I've hoped for. Will be going for my final interview this Thursday evening. Did I mention its right smack in CBD and has a whole building to itself? Go figure.

6. What bad timing. If I aced the next interview and get the job, how am I gonna turn up for work at the new place in crutches? I was told that I'll be on crutches after the operation on 13 Sep for at least 6 fucking weeks! And not to mention the constant physiotherapy for the next few months!

7. Encountering some of the worst users at work blew my top finally during one of the training sessions I conducted at work yesterday. This very senior staff was not only giving me attitude, but was also influencing the others in the session, distracting them and even encouraging them to skip my next session. I ordered her to leave the laboratory and wrote a complaint to her HOD, cc my boss and referred her department to the main computer center(which means more red-tape more delays and so more hell for her) for support from now on. The HOD wrote a reply to apologise but my new boss after discussion with me decided to cut them off our support anyway.

8. My new boss is a hypocrite. He does not appear as a mentor or father figure like our previous boss. What he does is more of the 'leave-you-to-die' and 'everyone-for-himself' in the team. The only way to handle him is to weigh his benefits over the disadvantages in exchange. 2 other colleagues that I know of are also going on unspoken and secretive half day leave on and off these 2 weeks, which means we are all looking for new job openings elsewhere...

9. My HDD at home crashed. I am hoping to salvage a partition of my HDD which contains some very important projects and pictures of my AnAn. What could be worse. Argh.

10. I need to write my will soon. I know its morbid to do it when you're still alive. But somehow I just felt the necessity to do one. Just in case. This has not been exactly a good year for me.
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