Dec 16, 2002 02:35
well where have I been for the last... oh who knows I don't keep track and I can't be bothered looking at my last entry and trying to figure it out as that would take too much brain energy right now. I'm up late and will go to bed right after this as i just finished cleaning up the house, just for the heck of it - because it hasn't been done in so long, and fixing up my journal a little.
It seems that life has thrown a few spanners AT me, instead of in the works and such life for sometime has been interesting to say the least, but nothing that I will elaborate on. I decided that maybe I could start writing in this journal again... however I've lost most of my audience... but if the few loyal people who decided to stay on my list - THANK YOU FOR DOING SO - would like to me to write more entries.. please reply to this so I know someone is interested :)
well I think I might post a few poems I've written in the next few days and see what people think. Well I've finished all I have to do and wrapped some presents for Christmas... written this journal entry and now it's off to lala land to try and catch some ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz .... lets hope I'm successful
cheers to all, and to all a good night ;)