
Mar 01, 2007 22:49

after leaving school after one class and spending the rest of the day eating chinese takeout and playing videogames at sofia's, cheng drove me back to school and we dug out my car. we went and had dinner then he left to go home, so did i. so on 36 my tire went off the edge of the highway and when i tried to get back on i spun around twice and ended up in the ditch. basically got my ass owned by the ice//snow. this was a little after 9.

luckily there was a tow truck like 200 ft ahead of me cause some dumbass (get to this in a bit) did the same thing i did. and there were these state troopers chilling who left after a bit, but not after screaming at this jackass who was being an idiot. the troopers were stopped like sideways across the road so that the tow truck could come and one of them was backing up. and this guy in a truck tries to go around the trooper to get by. so the trooper turns on his siren and the guy keeps going. much yelling and swearing and hand-waving ensued.

so after awhile (and probably 20 cars backed up) the tow truck guy came and pulled me out and then we pulled off on hilton to deal with paying him ridiculous amounts of money. and as i was getting to paying him or whatever these guys walk up and are like, that's our car, we didn't tell you to tow it, we're not paying you. basically the tow truck dude, who was great by the way, was like well you can just wait until i'm done with her. so while i got to sit in his nice warm truck and have a decent conversation with him and write down credit card numbers and get it verified and everything, these dumbasses had to wait outside in the freezing cold and heavy blinding snow and wind while the tow-guy waited for a state trooper to come back and be like, bitch, pay up.

so i drove home (SLOWLY is the word, my friends) and got here a little after ten, at which point i had a long conversation with my mother convincing her i'm not dead and that it wasn't my fault (which by the way it wasn't.) all in all a satisfactory experience, except that i now owe my parents $130 which is probably coming out of my california fund.

...i need a fucking job.
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