Feb 23, 2010 15:01
A point-form entry, maybe?
- I'm finally getting a real camera. I haven't had a camera (besides my phone) for maybe 4 years and that was a clunky outdated digital one. Suggestions (as per "Photography for Dummies") are welcomed, as I have a lot of photo-worthy stuff coming up.
- Trying to get remotivated about life in general. I've started working out/making workout plans, some of which are nullified by the SNOW in WINDSOR (we've gotten more than the rest of our region, WTF). Dieting alone hasn't done anything (except make me more tired, but less prone to stomach woes) so I figured I could find at least 3 - 5 hours a week to do exercise.
- Also trying to get back into guitaring. Luckily, the more years I've played, the less rusty I am whenever I come back to it. On the downside, I've hit kind of a songwriting plateau and can't seem to come up with many new chord progressions/ways of playing them. I'm not sure what to turn to for a cure.
- Socially I'm triple-booked all weekend as usual. I realized the other day (because Jay is a lot less emotionally irrational than me) that I try to keep up a lot of friendships over little time, and then guilt-trip myself for not talking to at least fifty people more often. His suggestion was to generally chill (because Jay is a lot more easy-going than me) but since I'm not very good at that, it's another problem to which I'll ponder a solution.
- A girl from our university (Tessa Virtue) won Olympic gold! It is a) whoa, and b) awesome. I actually watched (while reading a rambling essay about experience), too.
- I might actually get a summer job in my office. Not full-time by any means, but it would probably be enough to pay my base expenses (rent, Internet, phone) for the summer months. Also it's valuable experience and furthers the likelihood of getting the same job I have now next year. All excellent.
Well, I'm done up here at work (yeah, there's not a lot to do lately at work, being that we have to wait on authors to respond to us much of the time) so it's time to go home and tackle a foot-high pile of homework. Tuesday/Wednesday nights are the worst nights, as they are the ones before classes and no matter how early I start, it seems I always have papers or readings left the night before class.
Be well, LJ folks.