[Not] Keeping It Together.

Feb 23, 2013 20:26

Hi Future me.

Days/weeks like these, I wish I can have the freedom to break down and cry, throw a few tantrums or two just to get my way.

Instead I fester stolidly on, swallowing it up inside, eating me up from within.

It's not healthy, it's not typically me, but then again,what is me, typically? I have so many sides sometimes I confuse myself.

This feeling roils in my intestines and makes me a little bit sick. Of myself, of my life, of my confusion. i feel like a little ship out in sea, not knowing where I'm headed. There's life teeming under the surface -- colourful coral and beautiful aquatic creatures, but I'm reluctant to head down to see for myself.

Maybe I'm afraid I can't come back up.
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