Loss of first

Mar 26, 2010 08:57

To quote my cousin, there's nothing really more painful seeing parents sending their child off before them...and at such an age too.

Remarkably, despite not being close to Wesley I too felt the acute pain, the insurmountable loss of someone who was gone before his time. I mourned the many firsts he never got to experience. His first car. His first degree. His first hole in one. His first child. His first grandchild, even. All gone in a split second.

They're all dust now, swept away by the wind. The tears we wept, all dried stiff on our cheeks. The howls they wailed, the pain that reduced humans into mere beings under the mercy of the world and its many devils all reduced and distilled into a single inadequate word: grief.

Empty words don't matter. I don't care where he is now. I only care about who he was, the child that I grew up with and never took the time to know better.

Intelligence brews ingenuity. But it also brews beasts and demons that one cannot fight alone. We are all alone, it may seem, but we are never alone.

Our ripple of actions cause a tsunami, may it be of joy, or grief, pain or anger...we cannot be selfish in our pain or joy. The key is to share, no matter what.

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