Newspaper stakeout

Feb 06, 2010 09:40

Apparently we have had a Newspaper Thief lurking in our apartment block these days. Instead of seeing the usual paper slumping assuringly against the door during my usual rush out of the door (standard F behaviour) my mum has taken to believe we have an opportunistic thief who waits outside our door and swipes our paper, which we pay no small sum for every month, in order to sell to the rag & bone man or to other equally opportunistic customers.

So while I'm up blearily against my own will (my fault - late night supper + early morning movie = not the best combination for a Saturday lie-in) my mum triumphantly marched in from the hallway waving our morning paper with grim determination.

"This is the second morning I woke up at 5am to catch our paper," she said with satisfaction as she rustles the crisp paper redolent with the smell of ink,"before some person steals it again." she added darkly.

Sigh. With so many people saying how similar I am to her..will I turn out to be this batty as well?

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