We love to selca.
Do you love to selca too?
(selca = short for self camera)
This was my sister and me escaping la horreur that was ION Orchard and chilling at the cooler Orchard Central. I really dig OC more because of its laid back atmosphere, it's less horrific than the maze labryinth that is ION.
And no, my name is not Soap Dispenser. I kinda wish it is though. It'll be pretty cool. And it's been said countless times that we both look alike but somehow we don't see it?
Waffles & Icecream at
haato. There's one branch located at the basement in Liang Court, Singapore, but we both swear by the one at Ridgewood Close. The waffles were seriously amazing and to die for while the gelato have local flavours such as black sesame and milk tea. Of course, they also have a lot of yummy flavours like strawberry, rich chocolate and mint chocolate.
I discovered it when a booth was giving it out for free at BoatAsia 2009, the staff and I nearly went amok digging for ice cream and eating it happily as they tore down the tentages and booths. It was so hilarious how we were eagerly searching for freebies and magazines. The rest of the staff even threw random crap into my bag and I had to scold them. Ah, the good old days of working events! <3