Nov 09, 2007 11:43

So, we all know about how I got these ridiculous warrants for that motorcycle accident?  And how I discovered them by being pulled over for an expired inspection sticker?  What I neglected to post was a follow up.  I posted bail for the motorcycle tickets and was scheduled for an October 25 court date.

As everyone knows, Matt and I are very different people.  I operate on the pile method of organization.  If things are put into piles, I deal with them.  He files things away.  If things are filed away for me, I never think about them again.

Well, Matt filed away my ticket for an expired inspection sticker.  I never thought of it again... until the date of my October 25 court hearing for the motorcycle warrants.  Then I suddenly wondered about the ticket that had gotten me into this mess.  I called him, and he matter of factly said that he had filed that ticket in our legal file.  I didn't even know we had a legal file!  I rushed home to find that my court date for the expired inspection sticker was OCTOBER 25 in, of course, a different court, 45 minutes before my other court time.

Matt came home to find me hysterical on the couch, sure that as soon as I walked into one court I would be arrested in the other.  In the end, we went to the expired inspection court, checked in, waited in vain for my name to be called for as long as possible, then rushed to the other court.  I couldn't not show up for the other court date at the risk of losing bail.

In the end, I got my bail money back, defered adjudication for one ticket and the other ticket dismissed.  And I sat down and waited for the warrants to come through for the expired inspection sticker that I had missed the court showing for.  And waited.  And waited.

It's been... over two weeks now.  I've checked the Harris County court system online every day.  And still no warrant.  Today I check and something very strange shows up.  "Pending Referral Review" it says.  With a date and time.

It makes me wonder if for some reason, since I checked into the court, I somehow escaped getting a warrant.

Possible court loophole?

Loophole # 2.

I bought $1,000 worth of Target gift cards for work for some incentives in the call center before finding out that I couldn't give them out in $50 denominations because of some imputed income tax clauses.  I tried to return them, in exchange for gift cards of the right denomination ($20), but Target would have none of it.  Ugh, it was annoying.  I mean, eventually I would use them for some reason or other, but still, I would have to re-buy gift cards in the correct denomination.

Then I had a brainstorm.

No one thought it would work.

I went to Target, and I bought gift cards using gift cards.

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