Title: A Woman's Hair
Words: 100
Challenge: #16 - purple (
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Shigure/Akito
Warnings: Please be careful what you read!
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
He toyed with her hair gently while she slept peacefully, softly wrapping the purple hair around his finger and then letting go. He watched it unwrap itself and fall back into place.
He tilted his head to the side to watch her better. She had soft purple and short, but womanly. She might not know it, but her hair was one of the most feminine thing about her and one he loved.
Shigure leaned down and kissed Akito's forehead after he brushed her hair back lightly.
Even with short, purple hair and acting like a man, she was all female.
Title: Smiles and Eyes
Words: 100
Challenge: #18 - green (
Rating: PG
Characers/Pairings: Tohru
Warnings: Please be careful what you read!
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
She was always smiling, but it didn't always reach her eyes.
Her eyes were green. A simple color, but when her smile reached her eyes they seemed extraordinary. They shined with enthusiasm and joy. Pure joy. She found the joy in everything and everyone. Her green eyes could light up like no one else's. She never stopped smiling.
Well, she did stop smiling sometimes. Not often and not as much as she should. She always wants to please everyone, but herself. It was heartbreaking when she did cry. Her green eyes filled with tears she tried so hard to suppress.
Title: Bound
Words: 100
Challenge: #24 - family (
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: The Sohma family in general
Warnings: Please be careful what you read!
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
The Sohma family wasn't normal. How could it be with many of its members cursed?
Even the members who weren't cursed might as well be. They lived with the secret. They had to wonder why their relatives weren't normal before they were told.
Even with the animosity between different members of the family, they all had a strange, but permanent bond. The curse bound the family together. It bound anyone else that happened to find the secret out to the family indefinitely.
But was the curse a normal family bound?
The curse changed lives. But most predominately, it bound lives.
Title: The Cycle
Words: 100
Challenge: #44 - circle (
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Shigure, Shigure/unknown lover
Warnings: Please be careful what you read!
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
It's a never ending cycle. A circle. But multi-dimensional. It's a sphere.
It repeats over and over again. Never stopping. Never halting for even a brief lapse in time.
It never breaks. It's perfect.
Love, animosity, lust, revenge, victory.
It’s all a cycle, a circle, a sphere.
Vengeance, hope, hate, admiration, forgiveness.
Shigure sighed and looked out the window. He had watched his family follow the cycle, feed the circle, and each time he didn't open his mouth.
He didn't want to loose what he had. He had what almost no one else in this family had... He had love.
Title: Diamond in the Rough
Words: 100
Challenge: #48 - diamond (
Rating: PG
Characers/Pairings: Shigure/Akito
Warnings: Please be careful what you read!
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
She was a diamond in the rough. She wasn't perfect, and her setting certainly wasn't ideal or beautiful. She was beautiful. Completely, utterly beautiful.
What she lacked in grace and femininity, she certainly gained in authority and power. She controlled with a steel fist and a ruthless heart. As ruthless as only a woman could be.
Shigure knew all too well that hell had no fury like a woman scorned. And Akito was a woman.
Instead of glitz and glamour of a jewel or gem, she was strength, emotional and physical, like an unbreakable but beautiful diamond in the rough.