Title: Letter from Gaia to Ed #1
Alternative Title: Epic
Words: circa 200
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Ed/Gaia
Warnings: spoilers for book 20 (I think)
Author's Note: Written for
I know that I ran out this morning… without my pancakes… without so much as an explanation… hurting myself as I did. But I wanted you to know something… I need you to know this, actually:
Last night was epic. (I know it's not a word I'd use, but I can't think of anything else. It was too personal, too meaningful, to important… too private to be anything but 'epic'.)
Last night was surreal.
Last night will be the only thing that keeps me going.
That's really all there is to it. It was the most important thing, the best thing I've done since New York. Except maybe being your friend… which still confuses me as to why you'd want to be friends with someone as messed up as me.
Ed, just know that while I'm pushing you away and telling you things that will probably hurt you, I'm hurting myself too. I need you. I want you in my life. But I can't allow you to be. You will be in danger, Ed. Danger. I can't allow you to pay for being my friend, for being my lover, for being whatever we could be to each other. You mean to much to me. You mean everything to me.
Ed, I gave you my first time. I gave you my heart, mind, and body willingly. Please know that that even when I'm cold to you, that speaks a lot louder than anything I could say.
P.S. I'm never going to send this, but maybe you know all this anyway. I'm sorry for hurting you Ed, but it's for your own good. And because I love you.