X-Men: Scott/Emma

Apr 06, 2008 21:14

50 Scott/Emma Sentences (for 1sentence)
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Jean Grey had been Scott's air for years - he had breathed for her in - but now Emma had became his breath - his reason for living.
Emma was Scott's apple of temptation - she was the person he wasn't supposed to be with, but gave into the temptation anyway even if it started out in only his mind.
The beginning of Scott and Emma's relationship had been nothing short of a complete mind fuck.
"I don't trust you," Scott had said, and he had said it honestly and with good reason, but for some reason, it truly bugged Emma.
After Rogue stormed out of the therapy lesson, leaving Remy hopelessly confused, Emma turned to Scott, "Want to get a cup of coffee with me?"

06. Dark
07. Despair
08. Doors
09. Drink
10. Duty

In Emma's darkest hours, she couldn't imagine her life without Scott who was eternally accepting and loving despite her past.
When Emma was with Scott, she laughed she could still hear the despair in her voice, the wanting to be loved, to be accepted, and he just took her in his arms, conveying just that.
Scott wasn't the type of open doors for Emma, or pull out her chair as she sits down, but he was the type to kiss her when she needed it most.
Red wine was Emma's favorite drink, and when Scott pulled out the bottle of Merlot from the brown bag, she threw herself in his arms, just happy that he had remembered something so trivial about her.
As a husband, it was Scott's duty to be faithful to Jean, but Emma changed that when she entered his mind, his body, and his heart.

11. Earth
12. End
13. Fall
14. Fire
15. Flexible

The earth held many secrets about life, but it also held the worst thing in Emma and Scott's relationship: Jean Grey.
The end of Scott's marriage with Jean happened long before Emma entered his mind, but it was now the beginning of Emma and Scott's relationship.
The feelings developed fast, like Emma was falling quickly into the void that was nothing but affection, and Scott seemed to be forming emotions for her at a slower pace as he battled the guilt.
Jean had been fire and fiery to Scott, but Emma was different; Emma was ice and cold, making him work for her affection and feelings after the mind fuck turned transferred to the real world.
Emma boasted about her flexibility and her ways of making the others with her bend to her will; Emma knew Scott, despite who he thought he was, was no different.

16. Flying
17. Food
18. Foot
19. Grave
20. Green

Neither Scott nor Emma could fly, but they could fight like hell, and they did - side by side.
Cooking dinner together had become a nightly ritual for Emma and Scott, just some quiet time they could be together and talk.
Scott's fingers weaved through Emma's as his foot beneath the table gently touched hers; Emma immediately moved closer to him as his brought her hand up and gently brushed his lips over the back.
Standing before the tombstone that read "Jean Grey Summers," Emma felt an overwhelming amount of guilt and instinctively reached out to grab Scott's hand.
Her costume had been green and yellow, and Emma could picture it perfectly, changing into it as she entered Scott's mind.
21. Head
22. Hollow
23. Honor
24. Hope
25. Light

Emma got into Scott's head, made him see things, feels things that he didn't want to; Emma was the original creator of the mind fuck. .
Seeing Jean in Scott's memories made Emma feel hallow, like she wasn't good enough for him, like she would never be good enough to live up to Jean Grey's perfect memory. .
Scott vowed to honor Jean, to be her husband and lover, but Emma made it impossible for him not throw his vows out the window. .
Looking at Scott, feeling his hands on her body, touching her, caressing her, making her body light with a gentle but all-consuming fire, Emma's feeling of hope grew to an overwhelming to degree. .
The light was startling, all she could see was Scott leaning over her, holding and squeezing her hand with a concerned look on his face; she could see that he was feeling guilty again for waking up beside her.

26. Lost
27. Metal
28. New
29. Old
30. Peace

Scott was lost, but he didn't know how lost he was or how much he had changed, until Emma came to mind and started to fuck with him.
Emma was a fine metal - no, she was diamond and Scott wondered if she'd ever soften.
Rachel practically screamed that Emma would never be her "new mother", but Scott didn't know how to respond and tell Rachel that Emma only wanted to be his lover.
Marriage was old news to Scott, and Emma was certainly not the type to get married - ever - and he was happy that he could just enjoy being in a relationship with a beautiful woman.
Emma just wanted some peace, but Scott had other plans as he pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her face against her neck, kissing her and leaving no question as to what he wanted.
31. Poison
32. Pretty
33. Rain
34. Regret
35. Roses

Scott knew that Emma was poison, but it didn't stop him from being incited by her and her ways, and by her invasion in his mind.
Emma was a pretty thing on the outside, but Scott couldn't help but notice the ugliness on the inside and how it was eroding away.
As the rain crashed down around them cooling Emma's entirely too hot skin, Emma wrapped her arms around Scott, pulling him and his slanting mouth closer.
Regret plagued Scott when he pulled Emma into his arms and kissed her thoroughly, but he pushed it aside easily when his boy filled with desire.
Roses grew in the garden and as Emma looked at them, she wondered what kind of beauty would grow from her and Scott's fucked up relationship.

36. Secret
37. Snakes
38. Snow
39. Solid
40. Spring

Emma didn't have any secrets from Scott, he knew all there was to know about her assorted past, but because of that, she didn't understand why he didn't trust her.
Love was like snake; it hid in the grass unseen until it bit its pry, biting both Scott and Emma with an intensity neither could ignore.
Snow piled on the ground, growing deeper as each minute pasted, but Emma only saw Scott and only felt his touch.
Emma had longed for so long for Scott, for something solid to cling to, for someone she could love.
It was an odd season - spring - it was the beginning of something beautiful and the end of something cold and ugly - much like Scott was the spring of Emma's life; with Scott by her side, she could do anything.

41. Stable
42. Strange
43. Summer
44. Taboo
45. Ugly

Emma's mental status was disputable, but Scott had a feeling that she was a hell of a lot more stable than she let on at times.
The strange thing was that Emma went to him first, and he let her; he embraced her during and after her mind fuck.
Emma had a love and hate relationship with summer - it was sticky and hot, but it allowed her to wear as little as possible - and it seemed like she had that kind of relationship with all Summers and not just the season.
Adultery was taboo, but Emma aided Scott in committing it willingly and getting great pleasure from wanting the leader fall.
Emma's past was ugly, and Scott knew that, but he loved her anyway.

46. War
47. Water
48. Welcome
49. Winter
50. Wood

Emma was essential to the war, to winning, to fighting, but the war she faced daily wasn't any he could help her with: it was against her own demons.
Climbing out of the shower and drifting with water, Emma took Scott's breath away.
Emma wasn't exactly welcome in Scott's family, in fact, Rachel did everything in her power to make Emma leave her father alone.
Wrapping her arms around Scott, Emma pulled him closer as his mouth slanted over hers again and again; Emma shivered by it wasn't because of the winter's cold and snowy weather.
Emma got lost in the woods in upstate New York and Scott was the only one that sought her out, only to find out it was just another mind game.

fanfic: sentences, #fanfic: x-men, !fanfic

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