Title: He Wasn't Blind
Words: 100
Challenge: #81 - blind (
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Shigure/Akito
Warnings: spoilers for about volume 18
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Shigure could see her flaws clearly. He, better than almost anyone, knew what she was capable of. She could be cruel and hateful, leaving pain in her wake. Thriving in causing pain to those she saw her disobeyed her, she had made enemies of those she loved.
But he didn't care.
She was beautiful. She was soft and fragile like a doll. She was his, and he wasn't about to let her go without a fight. A silent fight. A subtle fight.
He wouldn't let her be anything else. She was his, but he sure as hell wasn't blind either.
Title: Temporary Deaf
Words: 100
Challenge: #82 - Deaf (
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Kyo/Tohru
Warnings: Major spoilers! Spoilers for chapter 130 and beyond.
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Tohru couldn't hear anything. She was suddenly deaf.
Her eyes were trained on his lips, watching them move with the words he was saying. His arms around her; his heart open for her to see.
He wasn't changing.
The night was setting in, and she felt like something had suddenly broke. He was still there - he was still Kyo.
Suddenly she could hear his words. The shock of the situation wore off slowly, allowing small, scattered words to make it through to her. But all she could focus on was how he felt, and the fact he was still Kyo.
Title: Trust
Words: 100
Challenge: #83 - lost (
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Yuki, Akito, Haru
Warnings: Spoilers for volume 10 and on.
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Yuki felt lost. He felt alone. He had a god, Akito, who told him everyone hated him. Akito was his only friend. Akito was his whole world.
No, Akito was his whole world. The lies had surfaced when he met the others, when he was let out of the rat's room. He was able to see things clearly, in a child's eyes, for the first time ever.
Akito's words confused him. It was like he had lost a part of himself when he became aware of the dishonestly.
Who can you trust if you can't trust the god? he wondered.
Title: Home
Words: 100
Challenge: #74 - found (
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Haru/Rin
Warnings: Major spoilers! spoilers for volume 18 on.
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Haru was always there when he needed her. He went out of his way to find her. It was like it was fate. Kismet if you will. She was finally home. He didn't care about the curse or Akito. He only cared about her, and he was the first.
When Haru wrapped his strong arms around her, she laid her head on his shoulder and tried not to think of anything else.
I'm home.
Haru kissed her, making her feel like she was more at home than ever.
You found me, Haru. You are the only home I'll ever need.
Title: Missing
Words: 100
Challenge: #85 - missing (
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Yuki/Machi, allusion to Kyo/Tohru
Warnings: Major spoilers! Spoilers for chapter 125 and on.
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
When Yuki came out of the house, he felt like he could breathe again. Watching Kyo and Tohru was like watching his mother with a new boyfriend… yet they didn't see it themselves. They were suffocating him. It was like watching two idiots dance around each other ungracefully.
Something was missing in his life. He didn't have that. He had Machi, though. He loved to see joy on her face. He couldn't just switch off his feelings as much as he could tell the idiot Kyo to open his eyes to what was in front of his face.
Damn cat.