politics, the orrigional soap opera.

Nov 30, 2008 00:22

i knew it would happen soon, and here it is. the bush administration is working frantically to enact a bunch of last minute resolutions to solidify its agenas into the american system. their making that last malignant push to try and force their mutated, dieased, antichrist policies out of Americas already poisoned and abused womb, trying to keep america from abourting the country destroying practices the bush regime raped it with, in their enduring hatred for hope and prosperity... fuckers.

granted my boy from illinois is already there fighting it, like the mr T, rocky balboa lovechild of politics he is, (exept smarter) but it still pisses me off.


heres a tidbit:

"The Labor Department proposal is one of about 20 highly contentious rules the Bush administration is planning to issue in its final weeks. The rules deal with issues as diverse as abortion, auto safety and the environment. One rule would make it easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas. Another would reduce the role of federal wildlife scientists in deciding whether dams, highways and other projects pose a threat to endangered species."

and of course on a much lessor note, i saw that oboma is going to name hillery as his secretary of state.

now am i mistaken, or did david allen greir specifically ask you not to "lose yo damn mind"?

this crazy lady nearly destroyed the damn democratic party just to get nominated to the presidency, and you may not have heard but liberman is back in the democratic party too. ya know after trying to crush you (and all democrates in the last election) by swiching sides and being a rabid mcain supporter. i know your all commited to the idea of a lincoln cabnit, but come on! having seniter droopy fredo judas back in the party is enough, dont add senater lizzy borden to your staff too. now is the time for strength and solidarity, ya know all those things democrates are too big of pussies to do normally, and thats why they get mowed-thefuck-over, every four or eight years by the repoblicans propganda tanks. just think about it. im not sayen you should pull out a bag of dirty tricks, but dont go walken through the forum without a knife proof vest. RECONIZE!!
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