
Oct 31, 2008 00:55

**Totally Sweet Halloween Survey**

To begin, Happy Halloween!
Are you dressing up this year? In what?: Yes...still not quite sure. I have several costumes/ideas, we'll see what happens.
Have you ever eaten Count Chocula?: I don't think so?
Best scary movie ever?: Um. I don't really watch scary movies. The Birds is hilarious though.
What's your favorite candy?: Anything chocolate-y.
Do you like candy corn?: Yeah, everyone says it's nasty, but I think it's delicious.
Did you carve any pumpkins yet?: No, and I probably won't seeing as it's Halloween now.
Make a jack-o-lantern?: Er...same thing?
Are you going trick or treating? Or, do you have kids that are going?: Nope.
Your most memorable costume?: Erm. No idea. But the only costume I can actually remember is Jasmine.
Do you like pumpkin seeds?: They're okay.
Do you do anything special for Halloween at all?: Dress up, terrorize the neighborhood, you know.
Have you ever dressed as twins with another person?: No...
Are you afraid of bats?: Vaguely.
How old are you, anyways?: ...20.
Is Halloween your favorite holiday?: No, I think I like Christmas more.
Ever been so scared you peed your pants?:
Ever skipped school on Halloween because you didn't want to dress up?: Um? What?
Worst costume you have ever seen?: No idea.
Most money you've ever spent on a costume?: Er...again, no clue.
Do you like Bzoink's Halloween- themed website?: It's kind of cool.
Ever worn black nail polish on Halloween?: Maybe?
Ever stolen a candy from a small child?: Nah, I'm not that mean.
Your biggest fear?: Hrmmmm. Never finding something I love to do.
Did you see the Michael Myers movies?: one.
Ever played a prank on an unsuspecting person on Halloween?: No.
Have the lights ever gone out on Halloween?: I don't know? Perhaps.
Closest Halloween-themed object to you?: Um. The lobby, which is covered in spiderwebs.
Do you believe in haunted houses?: ...they exist?...
Are you looking forward to Halloween 2008?: It's here! But yes, yes I was.

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