Aventura - Peligro

Oct 14, 2009 16:44

Es… Es tu Romeo, yes sir.

Quien te ve no pensara, que se disfraza una serpiente peligrosa,
Tus caprichos y vanidad me han llevado a la ruina y la pobreza.
Mi madre dijo peligro, hijo mío, te vas a lamentar,
Todos decían lo mismo, que contigo me iba a ir mal.
Eres el demonio vestido de mujer, tu nuevo apodo será Lucifer,
Debiste se aborto y no llegar a nacer,
Te enseñe de Roberto cavalli y chanel, ensuciaste esa ropa siéndome infiel.
(Jamas Pensé que en la vida) una mujer sería tan cruel.
Peligro (peligro)
Peligro (peligro)
Que se libren los hombres de tu camino.
Danger (danger)
Danger (danger)
Fellas be aware this woman enters in your eyes.
Peligro (peligro)
Peligro (peligro)
Pobrecito el que termine contigo.

Ole, the devil wears prada.
I know, cause she used my credit card.
Abran paso, for the kings, aventura…
Baja lenny baja, ponla a llorar.

Y pensar que puse en ti mi confianza, mis ahorros mis anhelos.
Nadie merece morir, pero a tu funeral no irá ni un perro.
Mi vieja dijo peligro, hijo mio vas a fracasar,
Todos decían lo mismo, que contigo me iba a ir mal.
Y dicen que no hay mal que por bien no venga.
Ja. That’s what they say.

Que diosito te mande un castigo,
Que te hagan lo mismo y me pidas perdón.
A si yo me rio en tu cara, celebro tu pena por esa traición.
Sufre, llora, cáete en los mares intensos de la perdición.
Que delirios, martirios te lleven por malos caminos, como sufrí yo.
Peligro (peligro)
Peligro (peligro)

This is Romeo, yes sir.
hey... danger

Whoever may see you would never think you’re a dangerous snake in disguise
your whims and your vanity have led me to ruin and poverty
my mother told me there’s danger my son, you’re going to regret it
everybody said the same, that I was going to have it very difficult with you
You’re a demon dressed like a woman, your new nickname will be Lucifer
you should have been aborted so I’d have never met you
I taught you about Roberto Cavalli and Channel and you made those clothes dirty by cheating on me
(I never thought in my life) that a woman could be so cruel
danger (danger)
danger (danger)
may the men not cross your path
danger (danger)
danger (danger)
fellows be aware this women is dangerous
danger (danger)
danger (danger)
poor man the one who’ll end up with you

Ole, yep the devil wears prada
I know cuz she used my credit card.
Step aside for the kings, Aventura…
Slow Lenny slow, make it cry

And to think I gave you my trust, my savings and my dreams
nobody deserves to die, but to your funeral not even a dog will attend
my mother said there’s danger my son, you’re gonna fail
everybody said the same, I was going to have it very difficult with you
and they say every cloud has a silver lining
ja, that’s what they say.

May God Send upon you a punishment
that someone does the same to you till you ask for forgiveness
so I can laugh in your face and celebrate your sorrow for that betrayal
suffer, cry, fall into the intense seas of perdition
may delusions and ordeals lead you through dark paths, as I myself suffered
danger (danger)
danger (danger)

From: http://lyricstranslate.com


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