
Nov 03, 2023 10:15

Last weekend, a combination of things hit. A meal that disagreed with me and worry about finances --contractor finally got in touch same week property tax bill arrived AND found out husband needs $3,000 more in dental work. Spent one night really sick and three days recovering. The good thing, I was REALLY missed at work. Practically dancing in the halls when I showed up.
We can afford everything. Yes, the checking account will take a hit and we may have to pull some savings but we have the money and can do it without actual suffering.
My nieces get migraines from stress. I get digestive upset from stress. Don't know which is worse but I am on the mend. Still simmering low grade stress until contractor actually finishes work but also hopeful!
Plus my husband turns 70 in two weeks and DEATH is lurking in my thoughts. He is in pretty decent shape and I make him get regular checkups but my imagination is spectacular when it comes to morbid thoughts.
Sometimes I wish I could get my brain to just focus on the NOW and worry less about the MAYBE.
Weather is classic fall, cool and damp. Which I kind of enjoy. As long as I'm not having to chisel ice off the car.
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