Oct 06, 2008 09:11
(10:16:41 AM) Amordien: Let me ask you.
(10:16:59 AM) Amordien: What is up with Canada that people find it so difficult to connect?
(10:17:07 AM) doomsdayblaze: sure
(10:17:07 AM) doomsdayblaze: sup?
(10:17:17 AM) doomsdayblaze: elaborate, please
(10:17:31 AM) Amordien: Cats here don't even look one another in the eyes and greet as they pass by
(10:18:00 AM) Amordien: and it's not a race thing. It's everyone. Kids, young adults, elderly people.
(10:18:16 AM) Amordien: Black, White, Asian...
(10:18:41 AM) Amordien: People are noticeably self-contained and private here.
(10:18:48 AM) doomsdayblaze: ah
(10:19:03 AM) doomsdayblaze: i have a theory about that
(10:19:10 AM) doomsdayblaze: ultra-conservative politeness
(10:19:22 AM) doomsdayblaze: basically, we've gotten to the point that we want to be SO nice to one another
(10:19:32 AM) doomsdayblaze: that we just avoid each other in fear that it could lead to potential conflict
(10:20:01 AM) doomsdayblaze: i guess we see America and don't want to have that same kind of environment of open hatred and yadda yadda ya
(10:20:09 AM) doomsdayblaze: so we pretend like everyone else doesn't exist
(10:20:13 AM) doomsdayblaze: that's my opinion
(10:20:32 AM) Amordien: I think it's truth more than opinion. Logically it adds up.
(10:21:11 AM) Amordien: I waived at someone today and said good morning. The guy did a double take like I spoke about his mother.
(10:21:39 AM) Amordien: He had this incredulous look on his face, as if he had won the lottery.
(10:22:03 AM) Amordien: "Who?! ME?! Oh! Hey!" were his exact words.
(10:22:35 AM) Amordien: I guess it's something I have to get used to.
(10:22:40 AM) doomsdayblaze: yeah
(10:22:41 AM) doomsdayblaze: lol
(10:22:46 AM) doomsdayblaze: you'll find that's quite commonplace
(10:22:59 AM) doomsdayblaze: actually, my last entry somewhat references this
(10:23:06 AM) doomsdayblaze: how i'll see people on the subway
(10:23:14 AM) doomsdayblaze: and then i wondered if maybe they'd seen me first
(10:23:30 AM) doomsdayblaze: but the other part of it is that people just keep themselves lost in their own little worlds that they don't notice anything around them
(10:23:39 AM) doomsdayblaze: so it's quite possible that they never saw me in the first place
(10:25:25 AM) Amordien: I spoke to a girl in the gym yesterday
(10:25:53 AM) Amordien: She didn't acknowledge me when I asked if she had almost wrapped up her reps/sets
(10:26:36 AM) Amordien: When I managed to make her pay attention, she said "I apologize, I get lost in my own world sometimes"
(10:26:50 AM) doomsdayblaze: lol
(10:26:51 AM) Amordien: I told her "That can't be too healthy"
(10:27:27 AM) Amordien: She said "Sometimes that's all we have. The world around us isn't always welcoming, and people aren't always that warming"
(10:29:10 AM) Amordien: So I asked "What are you doing to challenge that? I'm not knocking what you do, and I'm not judging you due to one meeting...but I'm pretty sure zoning out and getting lost in your own world gets pretty lonely at times"
(10:29:52 AM) Amordien: She just stared at the ground and said "You're right" and nothing more.
(10:30:23 AM) doomsdayblaze: yow. that's more deep conversations than people often let in
(10:30:27 AM) doomsdayblaze: kudos on you for that
(10:30:34 AM) doomsdayblaze: maybe she'll actually think about it
(10:30:58 AM) Amordien: Yeah. I left it there because she got a bit glossy eyed
(10:31:12 AM) Amordien: I said "Have a good day" and inched away slowly
(10:31:27 AM) Amordien: Lest I be seen as assaulting her defenses.
(10:32:02 AM) doomsdayblaze: your experiences have given you some wisdom at a young age
(10:32:40 AM) Amordien: Yeah. I feel old as hell.
I have a long line to drop. I'm putting some stuff together and wrapping my head around some things. "O Canada" indeed. I'll be with you all shortly.
the setup