Mar 06, 2005 16:09
Well lately ive been doing alot. Ive actually came back to UMASS D for spring semester. Started out pretty good. Was drunk everyday for the first few weeks. Then i came to the conclusion that i needed to move out of Chestnut for my sanity and the fact that i was never really there. So i moved in to Elmwood where all my friends are. I got a double to myself which is a good thing but i have really nothing to say but that i am still partying and getting drunk. I really do like getting drunk and high. Lauren's and I drunk momenst make it. Just the stuff we do and say, like "I want to fuck a father without any kids and with a wife thats a bitch" "Oh my god hes gonna shoot us" Oh yea by the way never talk to random people at Dunkin's they are crazy as hell. Me and Lauren know fo sho. BUT I NEED TO GO DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW