Nov 19, 2008 10:34
So, I'm going to try journaling again. I've just never seemed to be able to keep it going. Life tends to get in the way, but I really do feel better when I do it! It's very cathartic to be able to get your feelings and thoughts down on (virtual) paper. (You wouldn't want to try to read my actual handwriting, it's atrocious!)
I am on my own for the morning. Jim took Gabe out Christmas shopping with him leaving me at home all by my lonesome. What in the world do I do with myself? I think that I will attempt to take a nap since Gabe was up several times last night due to teething, poor little bugger. This afternoon I have to do some cleaning and baking. Our house is gross. I'm hoping that Jim will entertain the munchkin (maybe take him over to Gmom's house) so I can mop the floor.
The girls ministry at our new church seems to be going well. I really love the girls that have been coming. They're very self-assured, which doesn't seem to be the norm in teenage girls today, so it's very refreshing.
Healthwise, Jim is doing alright and the same for me. We need to find specialists in this area that fit us. I really don't like doctors that talk down to me like I can't understand my own condition. It makes me angry. In fact, I think I'd rather have an endocrinologist with diabetes as opposed to one who doesn't have it because I feel it gives them a better idea of what their patients are going through. It humanizes the disease, you know?
Gabe is doing fantastic. He is learning and doing new things everyday. I love it when he repeats words he hears. Today he said sweatshirt for the first time, only it came out more like "Swee sh**." Hmmm... note to self, try to get him to not say that in public!
Other than my staple of board books (Where's Spot? is pure literary genius in my son's opinion) I haven't had a lot of time for reading. I'm attempting to read "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" about the Lost Boys from Sudan. It's a library book, so I've got a limited time. *light dawns* Maybe I should try reading it now, with everyone out of the house, eh? I'd also like to read the next novel by Khaled Hosseini, as I really enjoyed "The Kite Runner." I guess I'll just add it to my never ending list of books I want to read. I should post that thing sometime. I also want to reread the entire cannon of Jane Austen. I haven't read her stuff in a few years and I'm definitely due.
God continues to be good to us. Our new church is wonderful and we're beginning to make friends. Money is tight, but God always provides for us. Right now I'm trying to figure out what direction He wants me to go in. I don't know if He wants me to continue to stay home with Gabe or try and get a job to help out. I personally feel like I'm a better wife/mother when I'm working, but I know that I've done some major growing in those areas by staying home, so I don't really know what to think. Leaving New York was one of the hardest things God has asked us to do and we still miss everyone, but I know that we have grown a lot since we've been back in Michigan. Growth seems to be a reoccurring theme in God's plan for us. ;) Too bad, it's generally pretty painful. We're hoping to go out and visit NY in the late spring/early summer of next year. Until then, we'll keep sending frequent letters/emails/text messages/phone calls to stay in touch with everyone.
Ok, enough for now. I'm going to take my book and go to bed!