Office Hours

Apr 25, 2010 05:07

[has decided to offer office hours twice a week for any students interested in seeking out extra help with German--or for students struggling with the assignments he's been handing out in his culture-studies class on Gerhard Richter.  settled into the chair at his desk, he thumbs through a book and waits for someone to arrive]

class, rp, stiglitz

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amoralsuperego April 29 2010, 10:12:31 UTC
[winces, shaking out his arm and flexing his hand]

[he turns to face Veidt, studying the man for a moment before meeting his eyes with his own flat, direct gaze. Müller doesn't doubt any of what Veidt is saying, and is certainly not arrogant or stupid enough to challenge him on it. and then a recognition of Veidt's particular tonality (cold, arrogant, intelligent, and controlled) hits him]

[leering (and in German):] Astoundingly, Veidt.

[pauses, appraising the other man again before continuing with a much cooler, more pointed tone] I know you--I'm certain of it. And if I am correct, then your hypocrisy is astounding. And I know I am correct.

[he sounds nothing short of icy and calculating as he continues; he speaks, now, to implicate, rather than accuse] After all, you've always had your 'resources'--else you wouldn't be here. [makes no move to approach Veidt, but continues speaking with cold assurance:] I don't know why you disappeared, or what you did to end up at this school, trying to validate your innocence with grand displays of overzealous protection of the innocent jungen--but I do not doubt that you have your own private guilts, Veidt. Carnal and otherwise.

[switching back to English, and suddenly impassive:] Are you through? I have to tidy up my office.

((OOC: I'm playing with ideas here, and assuming that AU-timelines!Veidt and Müller crossed paths frequently as Ozymandias and HJ--though Müller is just now putting together that Veidt is Ozymandias. I hope this is cool with you? I'M QUITE THRILLED WITH THIS BLURRING OF THE LINES BETWEEN SEEKRITCRIMEFIGHTING AND TEACHERS-WITH-A-PAST. message or IM me if you want to discuss (or if you just...disagree hardcore).))


amongmycabbages May 1 2010, 07:33:52 UTC
[Muller's words penetrate Veidt's cold rage, bringing him up short, although his outside attitude does not change. He's aware of every physical reaction his body is undergoing, and he catalogs them, mentally, to retain his composure-- the hairs along his spine standing on end, prickles of sweat on his palms, breathing speeding up...and, most pronounced, the icy stab of fear in the pit of his stomach.

There's no way that Muller could know about Veidt's past-- in this universe, this narrative, there never was an Ozymandias, nor was there a Dr. Manhattan. Still, there have been disturbing ripples in the timelines recently (Veidt thinks back to his idle chat with Jon Osterman about the many-worlds hypothesis) and it would be dangerous to assume that he is the only one who's noticed. He's been lax, complacent in his "retirement"; he should have known it was too good to last. All insults aside, Veidt knows that Muller is a dangerous man, and a formidable opponent.

So, best-case scenario: Muller knows nothing (or at least very little) and is simply trying to bluff his way out of things. The worst-case scenario, which Veidt sees yawning before him with numb horror, is that Muller knows.


Veidt may have to act, very soon, in a way that he had hoped never to again. If that door opens, there'll be no going back.

But he's not there yet, and so he simply lets his eyebrows twine together in confusion.] I'm sure I have no idea what you're spouting off about. It looks like your memory is slipping, along with your socialization. [His smile is an ugly thing, twisting his still-handsome face.] And whatever private guilts your fevered mind might ascribe to me, the fact remains that your guilt has now become very, very public. And will become more so, if I deem it necessary. [Veidt's tone is matter-of-fact.]

[He, like Muller, switches back to English.] Through? You wish. But stay here and lick your wounds for now, if it makes you feel better.


amoralsuperego May 1 2010, 15:42:58 UTC
[counts the extra beat it takes Veidt to respond and settles into a comfortable certainty that he has hit a nerve--although why might be a separate matter. Müller is quite certain he'd never met Veidt before coming to Custodes, nor anyone like him; an uncomfortable fact, leaving him with the reality that he has vague recollections of interacting with a man very like the one looming in his office]

[studies Veidt, considering the thinly veiled threat. shrugs] As you'll have it, then. [smirks] Keep your moral compass pristine.

[waits until Veidt is at the door before speaking again:] Veidt.


amongmycabbages May 1 2010, 16:07:55 UTC
[Veidt doesn't dignify Müller with a verbal response as he strides quickly and surely towards the door, shoulders still set in anger.

At Müller's last word, though, he pauses, hand on the doorknob, and turns, one eyebrow raised in an expression of utter disdain.]


amoralsuperego May 1 2010, 16:18:57 UTC
[exhales slowly, though not a bit of tension drains from him] The boy. There's nothing wrong with him. [his tone takes on a strange, serious quality--something harsh and tinged with disgust] Help him--but he needs no fixing.

And whatever you think, do not incriminate him. [meets Veidt's gaze with a stony look] You understand me?


amongmycabbages May 1 2010, 16:37:45 UTC
[Though his mind is still sorting through plans and calculations and possibilities, Veidt's thoughts stutter to a halt as Müller speaks, and he blinks, once. He hadn't thought that the man would have the power to inspire even the faintest tinge of respect in him at all...but here Veidt is, surprised yet again. A formidable opponent, indeed.]

[He continues to regard Müller with a raised eyebrow, but now the expression is surprised, rather than merely supercilious, and when he speaks, it's almost gentle.] Of course there's nothing wrong with him. He simply hasn't...learned his own power yet.

[There's more he could say, but Müller has proven himself perceptive, and Veidt meets Müller's eyes, one last time.] That is not something you need to worry about.

[And with that, he departs.]


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