Apr 09, 2006 19:33
i am completely exausted and it is most excellent. i just got home from a radical weekend with my family at umd; becky summer annie and my momma. she, mom, is in the livingroom playing the banjo and commenting on how our house smells very interesting. im going to go hang out with her for the rest of the night, she leaves tomorrow morning. in short it was amazing and i really needed the time i had with them. we rammed around and chatted and romped (summer got a puppy (so freaking cute.) and named him maddox. he looks exactly like one of those puppies on the soft toilet paper comercials where the dogs come and gently knock the baby over, totally sweet im going to kidnap him.) at night we were ablet o engage in awesome conversations about life and our relationships and i now come to realize how amazingly parallel our family has run na dhow close we are subconsiouyly (dr causticc, beckys man is so incredibly similar to smai in so many respects i dont know it's crazy, ps te amo semper. fdsjh982w49ubwouhe08ggu) ill say more about it later ima go play with my mom now
which will complete my live journal entry requirement for the year. yes i am doing them early:)