(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 21:17

I never really thought about how it would be to live this far, to live this long, and to grow this tall. Did I really already have my first job? Did I already have my first kiss? Amazing, isn't it? How fast time flies when you aren't careful. It's because everyone else was growing up with me that I didn't really realize that I was growing up too. I wonder if that's how the rest of my life will be? A gradual evolution dotted with periodic peaks back at the path I've taken? Am I going to live my life and reflect upon the subtitles? Am I truly living if I continue to wander around in the past and the future? I'm at a very important part of my life, that much is true. My decisions will change my paths, alter my futures. But it has always been that way. I'm so very confused right now, but a part of me knows that it will be alright. A little bit of trust in the future, and a little bit of faith in the people and places around me keeps me afloat. There is a certain allure about letting go, though, and seeing where the currents take me. There is a beauty in the mourning tones of a sad song, and a certain quality melancholy that echoes for hours. I'm a little bit scared, and a little unsure of how things will turn out. I've poured my heart out in warm dollops onto a black and white canvas. And it's beautiful, this tangled web of poetry slams and photo ops. I breathe, I love, I learn. I'm alive.
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